Nuno Bettencourt
The Guitarist Turned Festival Visionary
Nuno Bettencourt, best known as a Grammy-nominated and multi-platinum guitarist, is also a recording artist, songwriter and producer who’s worked closely with everyone from Rihanna to Janet Jackson. Since achieving fame in the world of music, he’s added CEO and founder to his list of accomplishments as the co-head of Atlantis Entertainment. His venture is a full-service media and production company that creates content for film, television, music, branded entertainment, commercials and digital content. While some of Nuno’s time is still spent producing albums for his company’s roster of emerging pop artists, he’s a creative but pragmatic thinker who is just as comfortable adeptly producing a two-day festival in a volcano as he is perfecting songs in the studio.

The nonprofit concert Atlantis Concert for Earth was a natural hit — literally. The Black Eyed Peas, Stone Temple Pilots, Pitbull and other entertainers performed over two days inside the lush green walls of a massive volcano that formed a natural amphitheater on an island in Portugal’s Azores. Nuno first came up with the idea for the environmental awareness-raising festival nearly 20 years ago, but got serious about his role as a concert producer and completed the carbon neutral project last summer. This year, the festival is on hiatus, but it will resume in 2024. In the meantime, Nuno is working with singer-songwriter Jade Novah and music producer-composer, Devin Johnson on a live concert production called The Cloud. It will explore how the next generation is dealing with identity and creativity in an increasingly digital world.